Upcoming Presentation: Trends in MBS Litigation

I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking in and presenting at an upcoming Strafford live phone/web seminar, “Mortgage-Backed Securities Litigation: Latest Developments” scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, November 15, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST. This will be largely geared towards attorneys (CLE credit available), but should have relevance for anyone participating in or following MBS litigation, so I thought this might be of particular interest to the readers of this blog.  Plus, as a reader of The Subprime Shakeout, you are eligible to attend this seminar at 50% off (note: the author derives no compensation for participating in or promoting this seminar). There is a link at the bottom of this post that will automatically give the discount to anyone interested in participating.

The following is a description of the subject matter to be covered:

The credit crisis and multi-billion dollar write-down of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) have spawned suits by investors against issuers and underwriters alleging securities fraud, contractual claims and claims of misrepresentation.  In addition to individual suits, investors have initiated class actions.

Recent federal and state court rulings have sharpened substantive and procedural issues, although many issues remain to be addressed. Settlement announcements have accelerated and may shape the course of ongoing cases.  My fellow panelist, James Goldfarb, and I will update counsel on recent trends involving residential and commercial MBS suits and outline approaches to prepare for the complexities involved in representing the various stakeholders.

We will offer our perspectives and guidance on these and other critical questions:

  • What are the bases for suits regarding MBS?
  • What challenges do plaintiffs’ counsel face in pursuing MBS claims?
  • What challenges do defendants’ counsel face in defending MBS claims?
  • How will recent and pending rulings in individual and class actions impact MBS litigation?
  • What are the most recent developments in settlement of MBS suits?

After our presentations, James and I will engage in a live question and answer session with participants — so we can answer your questions about these important issues directly.

I hope to hear from some of you tomorrow.

Follow this link or more information or to register at half price, call 1-800-926-7926 ext. 10 (ask for Mortgage-Backed Security Litigation on 11/15/12 and mention code: ZDFCT)


About igradman

I am an attorney, consultant, book editor, and one of the nation's leading experts on mortgage backed securities litigation. I am the author of The Subprime Shakeout mortgage litigation blog, a partner at Northern California law firm Perry Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz, LLP, and the editor of the critically-acclaimed book, "Way Too Big to Fail: How Government and Private Industry Can Build a Fail-Safe Mortgage System," by Bill Frey. Follow me on Twitter @isaacgradman
This entry was posted in bondholder actions, broader credit crisis, class actions, Complaints, conflicts of interest, contract rights, costs of the crisis, counterparty risk, damages, derivative lawsuits, discovery, education, fraud, gatekeeper litigation, global catastrophe defense, global settlement, impact of the crisis, investors, irresponsible lending, Judicial Opinions, jury trials, lawsuits, liabilities, litigation, loss causation, MBS, misrespresentation, monoline actions, pooling agreements, Presentations, private label MBS, putbacks, rep and warranty, repurchase, research, responsibility, RMBS, securities, securities laws, securitization, sellers and sponsors, settlements, standing, statistical sampling, statutes of limitations, summary judgment, The Subprime Shakeout, Trustees, underwriting practices. Bookmark the permalink.